I've been tagged by Leah Gibson. I would like to make it known that I will not make a practice of participating in blog games, but I didn't want to dis Leah who made such a great effort to type out that Keller quote.
This is the tag game.
[1] Grab the nearest book.
[2] Open to page 56.
[3] Find the 5th sentence.
[4] Post the text of the next 2-5 sentences and these rules.
[5] Tag 5 peeps!
And this is the funny part. I technically did this while I was at work (the book-opening part), and the closest book was a manual on water rates. Totally boring. And page 56 was a giant table with numbers, no sentences. Joke's on me.
Do I still get to pass the game on? I feel like I have been disqualified by my own nerdiness.
Ha Ha..cute! I'm very green when it comes to the whole blogging community and such so I probably would've fumbled as well. Just passing through,
knew you weren't the blog game type. neither am i really, so in the future...i don't care if you dis me. but glad you got the experience. haha.
p.s. you're really rolling out the posts lately.
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