You're the God of this city,
You're the King of these people,
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the light in this darkness,
You're the hope to the hopeless,
You're the peace to the restless
You are
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the light in this darkness,
You're the hope to the hopeless,
You're the peace to the restless
You are
For there is no-one like our God
There is no-one like You, God
(Copyright Bluetree 2007)
Last week was the five year anniversary of our church, the Austin Stone Community Church. It was amazing to celebrate those five years with our Body. The longer that someone had been with our church, the greater the joy that they expressed as we worshiped together.
At the end of the service, we sang this song written by a band from Belfast, Northern Ireland. The song was written about Belfast, but it was so appropriate for our five year celebration. God has been powerfully moving in our Body; he has transformed lives, redeemed relationships, cured diseases (literally), and captured hearts. But the words to this song are a challenge to me. Don't stop dreaming big about what God can do. Yes, He has done incredible things so far, but we must not stop dreaming and praying and longing for Him to do more. Greater things have yet to come in our city.
(I hijacked this picture from Sarena Green off of facebook. Isn't it amazing?! Thanks Sarena!)
At the end of the service, we sang this song written by a band from Belfast, Northern Ireland. The song was written about Belfast, but it was so appropriate for our five year celebration. God has been powerfully moving in our Body; he has transformed lives, redeemed relationships, cured diseases (literally), and captured hearts. But the words to this song are a challenge to me. Don't stop dreaming big about what God can do. Yes, He has done incredible things so far, but we must not stop dreaming and praying and longing for Him to do more. Greater things have yet to come in our city.
(I hijacked this picture from Sarena Green off of facebook. Isn't it amazing?! Thanks Sarena!)
Such a great song! I'm soo glad you are blogging!
wow! I can't believe it's been five years already!
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