"And the angel said to them, Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. " Luke 2:10-11Tis the season, and it is our first Christmas together! We started by putting up our tree.

A Christmas season MUST do is going to the Zilker Park Christmas tree. I went with a group of our incredible friends on Thursday night. (Trav couldn't go because he was working hard studying for finals. Bah humbug.) The Zilker Park tree is a giant Christmas tree made of lights near downtown Austin. The BEST way to experience the tree is to stand underneath, look up, and spin as fast as you can until you fall over. If you have never done this, you are really missing out. This is a true rite of passage to becoming an Austinite, in my humble opinion. This video does not do it justice.
Christmas festivities yet to come: gingerbread house making, Trail of Lights, 37th street lights, and more!
1 comment:
welcome to the blogging world! I can't wait for more updates!
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